Friday, October 14, 2011

District 3 Roads Getting Much Needed Attention!

We do not live in the richest county in New Mexico, as a matter of fact, our counties budget is hard pressed to address all of the county roads so historically, a rotational style approach has been used to service our roads. 

Guess it was my areas turn for which I am extremely grateful.  I wanted to thank the Torrance County Road Department for all of the hard work that has been going on in my part of District 3.  Our county roads are pretty awful and in my area, the roads are so narrow in some places that you actually touch mirrors with on coming traffic.  Crews have worked to widen roads and are applying new surface material and re-working bar ditches.

Thanks guys for all of your hard work and thanks to our County Commissioner, Venessa Chavez-Gutierrez for pushing to better our district!  In your travels, thank the road crews as you pass and if inclined, email Venessa ( thanking her too!

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