Thursday, November 17, 2011

EVSWA Recycling Program - How's It Working So Far?

 After all of the years of waiting, the Estancia Valley Solid Waste Authority has finally begun a viable recycling program that will save all of us money by reducing the amount of landfill space used, will help keep our national resources in good shape, will help keep our county clean, and will full fill a mandate placed on trash agencies throughout the state to participate in recycling.

The new program is just getting off the ground and with all things new, there is some confusion as to what ESVWA can take as recyclable items.  I have heard from a few people that items listed on the flyer's as acceptable were refused at the stations. 

Being such a new program for ESVWA, it would be a great idea to call their offices for clarification on what items are being accepted as well as for we the public to use a little common sense.

Perhaps EVSWA would consider creating and distributing an itemized list of what they can accept and manage.  In the past,  I served on a recycling committee (Treasure Traders) and remember that committee working very well together - there were so many great ideas and members of the committee provided their time, talents, and personal monies all to benefit the county.  Maybe EVSWA could put together another citizens committee to help define recyclable items and to help educate our county on the benefits and use of a viable recycling program. 

There is a huge interest in recycling in our county and it would be shame for folks to get frustrated and give up on it - should this fledgling program fail, we would have wasted a fantastic opportunity to benefit residents and our county as well as the tax dollars that have been granted for construction of the facilities. 

Let all get behind our recycling program and help EVSWA make this thing work!

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