Saturday, October 8, 2011

East Thunderbird Prescribe Burn, Planned for Mid-October


East Thunderbird Prescribe Burn

Planned for Mid-October

Mountainair, NM – October 7, 2011:  Fire officials on the Mountainair Ranger District have been monitoring fuel moisture conditions. With the current moisture levels they plan to complete the East Thunderbird Prescribed Burn in the Manzano Mountains within the next few weeks, possibly as early as next week.

The burn will be on National Forest lands in a forest area locally known as the Thunderbird area.  This area was thinned within the Thunderbird Ecosystem Management area.  The portion to be burned is located on the south side of Forest Road #275 and west of the Thunderbird Private Property.  District Fire personnel are watching weather patterns closely and hope to re-enter this area sometime during the next week to two weeks to finish burning approximately 75 acres.  The purpose of the burn is to improve watershed and wildlife biodiversity as well as to reduce current fuel loadings and lessen the threat of wildfire to private property.  The burn will be conducted only if fire personnel are available and weather patterns are conducive to burning.

If you have questions regarding the planned prescribed burn or any other Mountainair Ranger District questions, please call 505-847-2990 or email Adrian Padilla at or Arlene Perea at

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