Please click here for a PDF scan of this document or contact the Torrance County Managers office for an official version of this document - office phone number is 505-246-4752 Meeting Agenda - Click Here
WHEREAS, in order to maintain the proper decorum required for conducting the business of the county; the safety and well-being of attendees of meetings of the County Commission; and to assure that all attendees are able to view and hear the proceedings of the County Commission, while, at the same time accommodating and allowing members of the media or general public the ability to record and have access to the official audio and visual recordings of the proceedings of the County Commission, the Torrance County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the following policy for the recording of any such proceedings;
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County Commission to accommodate the use of audio and video recording devices by the media and general public, while maintaining proper decorum during commission meetings; and,
WHEREAS, safety and well-being of all attendees of meetings of the County Commission must be considered and assured; and,
WHEREAS the County Commission has implemented a method of audio and •visual recording for events within the County Commission Chambers, including but not limited to County Commission meetings (the "official recordings"); and,
WHEREAS, the official recordings will be available for public• viewing and/or listening on the County website, following the meeting or event; and
WHEREAS, the public may record commission meetings in a designated area during the meetings to assure that all attendees are able to view and hear the proceedings of the County Commission; and,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Torrance County Board of Commissioners, that all County Commission meetings will be recorded by the County Clerk using the audio and visual recording devices installed for that purpose and all such official recordings shall be posted on the Torrance County website and available to the public pursuant to the Torrance County Inspection of Public Records policy;
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that an area within the County Commission chambers shall be designated wherein members of the public using their equipment may record commission meetings; so as to cause as little disruption to the decorum of the meeting and the ability of other attendees of the meeting to hear and see the proceedings;
IT IS FURTHERRESOLVED that members of the media or public who wish to videotape meetings must comply with the following requirements:
a. The person intending to record the meeting must provide 24 hours advance written notice to the County Manager's office of the intent to record the meeting;
b. All videotaping equipment must be on a tripod located in the designated videotaping area and facing the commissioner's dais;
c. Videotape equipment and tripods must not obstruct the view of attendees of the meeting and must not block any access to exits from the meeting room;
d. All recording devices must run on batteries, as power cords may create tripping hazards;
e. All recording devices must operate silently or at a decibel level not disruptive of the meeting;
f. All recording devices must operate without additional lighting;
g. All videotaping equipment must be focused on the Commission table;
h. All videotaping shall be performed in such a manner as not to intimidate or otherwise harass members of the public who wish to address the Commission.
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